Elevate Your Business with Open-Source Software

Keitaro provides expert guidance and support to businesses in harnessing the power of open-source technologies. With specialized knowledge and experience, we help companies navigate the complexity of open source, offering tailored solutions that align with your unique needs.

Unlock innovation, maximize cost savings, and drive business growth, starting today.

Our services include:

Keitaro Open-Source Services

Consulting and Strategy

Keitaro provides guidance to help you understand how open-source solutions can align with your business goals. Our experts will analyze your requirements and recommend the best approach for integrating open-source software into your technology stack.

  • Strategy
  • Content Strategy

    Keitaro’s content strategy services are designed to help businesses build a compelling and effective content strategy that can elevate their brand to new heights. Content Strategy services help organizations create, manage, and distribute content effectively. These services may include content strategy development, content audits, content optimization, and content distribution.

  • Business Analysis

    Keitaro specializes at providing tailored solutions that address the unique needs of every organization – from small businesses to large corporations, working closely with all involved parties. These services may include strategic planning, business process improvement, project management, and data analysis. Business analysts work with stakeholders to understand their goals and objectives, and then help them develop strategies to achieve those goals.

  • Functional Specification Document

    A Functional Specification Document (FSD) is a key document that outlines the requirements and functionality of a software project or system. FSD services are offered to provide clients with support in the creation and maintenance of such documents. These services include defining requirements, documenting business processes, application design, and software testing.

  • High-Level Design Document

    High-Level Design Document (HLDD) services involve the creation of a comprehensive plan or blueprint for a project, typically at the early stages of the development process. These services typically involve defining the overall goals and objectives of the project, identifying the main features and functions to be developed, and outlining the high-level architecture or structure of the project. The high-level design document serves as a roadmap for the project and is often used to guide the development of more detailed design documents and specifications.

  • Low-Level Design Document

    Low-Level Design Document (LLDD) services refer to the creation and maintenance of detailed technical documentation that outlines the design specifications, implementation details, and functionality of a specific hardware or software system. These documents are typically created during the early stages of a project, when the overall design and architecture of the system are being defined. Low-level design documents provide a clear and detailed roadmap for the development team, allowing them to understand and implement the various components of the system. They also serve as a reference for future maintenance and updates. Low-level design document services may include the creation of design diagrams, specifications, and interface descriptions.

  • User Experience Strategy

    Keitaro’s User Experience Strategy (UXS) services help businesses understand and improve the satisfaction of their customers. It involves conducting research and analysis to understand the needs of users, creating user personas and scenarios, and designing products and services that meet those needs. UXS also involves testing products and services to ensure that they are easy to use and meet the needs of users.

Solution Design and Development

Our team of skilled developers will design and develop tailor-made open-source solutions that address your specific challenges. Keitaro provides seamless integration and ongoing support for optimal performance.

  • Design
  • Branding

    Keitaro’s Branding services revolve around creating a consistent and recognizable identity for a business or organization. This includes developing a compelling brand story, visual identity, and messaging that resonates with the company’s target audience. The goal of branding services is to differentiate a business from its competitors and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers.

  • Design System

    Keitaro’s Design System creation services help organizations establish a comprehensive design system to streamline their design process and improve their consistency across their digital products. These services involve creating a set of rules, guidelines, and patterns that define how design elements should be created and used within an organization. The benefits of using a design system include improved efficiency, consistency, and scalability in the design process.

  • Information Architecture

    Information Architecture (IA) is the practice of organizing and structuring content, information, and data in a way that meets the needs of users and helps them achieve their goals. Keitaro’s IA services involve creating a blueprint for a website, app, or other digital product, including how information should be organized, labeled, and presented to users. The goal is to make the content easy to find and understand, and to help users find the information they are looking for quickly and easily.

  • Low-Fidelity Design

    Keitaro’s Low-fidelity Design services involve the creation of rough or low-detail prototypes, models, or mockups in the early stages of the design process. These designs are intended to capture the essence of a product or interface, but with less focus on aesthetics or functionality.

  • High-Fidelity Design

    High-fidelity Design services refer to the creation of digital designs that closely resemble the final product or website. These designs are typically more detailed and refined than low-fidelity designs and provide a better representation of the final product. Keitaro’s High-fidelity Design services consider all visual and interactive elements such as layout, colors, typography, animations, and user experience. This level of design involves a great deal of attention to detail, and the designers ensure that all design elements are consistent and visually pleasing.

  • Prototyping

    Prototyping services refer to the process of creating a prototype or model of a final product or system. This prototype helps to visualize and test the design before going into production, and it can also be used to gather feedback from stakeholders.

  • Development
  • System Architecture

    System architecture is the design and planning of a system, including the system’s components, their relationships to each other, and how they will be managed. Keitaro’s System Architecture services involve the creation of a system architecture document, which defines the system’s components and their relationships, as well as the system’s requirements and how it will be implemented and maintained. Our System Architecture services also involve the creation of system architecture diagrams, which visually represent the system’s components and their relationships.

  • DevOps Engineering

    Keitaro provides a full range of DevOps Engineering services to help you build and maintain a high-performance IT environment. Our services include infrastructure and application development, automation, and continuous integration and delivery. We also provide monitoring and troubleshooting services to ensure that your IT environment is running smoothly and efficiently.

  • Back-end Development

    Back-end development refers to the server-side programming of web applications. It involves building and managing the server, database, and APIs that power the front-end of a website or application. Keitaro’s back-end developers are responsible for ensuring that the back-end is scalable, secure, and maintainable. They may also be involved in integrating third-party services, optimizing performance, and debugging any issues that may arise.

  • Front-end Development

    Front-end Development services refers to the design and development of the user interface of a website or application. This includes the layout, visual design, and functionality of the website, as well as the way it interacts with users and communicates information. Keitaro’s front-end developers use languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites and ensure that they run smoothly on different devices. The services may also include responsive design, cross-browser compatibility, website performance optimization, and accessibility options.

  • Unit Testing

    The goal of unit testing is to identify and fix defects early in the development process, making it easier and more cost-effective to fix them later. Unit testing can be done manually or automated, and it is an important component of Keitaro’s software development lifecycle.

  • Functional Testing

    Keitaro provides Functional Testing services to ensure that your application or system is working as intended. Our work concludes with a report that summarizes the results of our testing, so that you can have confidence in the quality and functionality of your system.

Implementation and Migration

If you’re looking to migrate to open-source technologies or implement new solutions, we’ve got you covered. Our experienced consultants will handle the entire process, ensuring a smooth transition while minimizing disruption to your operations.

  • Implementation
  • Continuous Integration

    Keitaro’s Continuous Integration (CI) services include automated build and testing, version control, and notification when changes break the system. CI helps to detect and address bugs and other issues early in the development process. It also helps to ensure that the code base stays in a consistent state and is always ready for deployment.

  • Continuous Delivery

    Keitaro’s Continuous Delivery services are designed to help organizations implement and maintain a continuous delivery process. These services typically include tools for automating the build, test, and release process, as well as support for monitoring and reporting on the health of the software. Our Continuous Delivery services also help organizations to ensure that their software is compliant with industry and regulatory standards.

  • Continuous Deployment

    Keitaro’s Continuous Deployment services allow software developers to release code changes or updates to production in an automated and continuous manner. It involves a series of processes and tools that streamline the entire deployment process, allowing developers to continuously deliver enhancements and updates to end-users without any delay or disruption. With continuous deployment, developers can test, deploy, and monitor software changes in real-time, which can save production costs, improve the product’s quality, and reduce downtime.

  • Quality Assurance

    Quality Assurance (QA) services refer to the set of processes, methodologies, and tools used to ensure the quality of a product or service. These Keitaro services aim to identify and resolve issues, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall user experience. QA services typically involve testing, debugging, and identifying defects in the product or service. This can include manual testing, automation testing, and usability testing. The goal of our QA services is to ensure that the product or service is reliable, functional, and user-friendly.

  • Migration
  • Cloud Migration

    Cloud migration is the process of moving an organization’s IT infrastructure, applications, and data to the cloud. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but with the right help, it can be a smooth and successful transition. Keitaro’s Cloud Migration services help organizations plan, execute, and manage their cloud migration projects, ensuring that they get the most out of their cloud investment.

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    Keitaro’s Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services are designed to help organizations move their existing applications and workloads to Google Cloud, enabling them to take advantage of the scalability, performance, and security of Google’s infrastructure. These services provide a smooth and seamless transition process, ensuring that organizations are up and running on GCP as quickly as possible.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    Keitaro’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) services provide businesses with a comprehensive guide for their cloud migration journey – from assessments, planning and design to execution and optimization – with minimal disruptions or downtime to operations. Our services utilize automation and streamlined processes to help businesses reduce the complexity, time, and cost associated with migration.

  • Microsoft Azure

    With Keitaro’s Microsoft Azure services, organizations can move their workloads to the cloud, leveraging the scalability, reliability, and security that Azure cloud provides. The migration process is streamlined and efficient, allowing organizations to reduce the downtime and costs associated with transitioning to the cloud. Our Microsoft Azure services include a range of tools and services to facilitate the process, including assessment tools, planning tools, migration tools, and ongoing support.

Training and Support

Keitaro offers comprehensive training programs to equip your team with the knowledge and skills required to effectively utilize open-source solutions. Additionally, our dedicated support team is available to address any queries or issues that may arise.

  • Training
  • Docker & Kubernetes

    Keitaro’s Docker & Kubernetes training services provide comprehensive training programs designed to equip individuals and organizations with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to work with Docker, the world’s leading containerization technology and Kubernetes, the open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. These services offer hands-on training and practical guidance to help beginners understand the basics of Docker and Kubernetes, as well as advanced training for experienced professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in containerization technologies.

  • Apache Kafka

    Keitaro’s Apache Kafka training services are designed to help individuals and organizations learn how to effectively use Apache Kafka, an open-source distributed streaming platform. These services typically cover a wide range of topics, including the basics of Apache Kafka, its architecture, how to use it for messaging, streaming, and real-time data processing, and how to monitor and troubleshoot it. The training services may also include hands-on exercises, group discussions, and Q&A sessions to help participants gain a deeper understanding of Apache Kafka.

  • Python

    Python training services refer to programs and courses designed by Keitaro to teach individuals about the Python programming language and its applications. These services typically offer comprehensive training on the fundamentals of the language, as well as advanced topics such as data analysis, web development, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

  • CKAN

    Keitaro’s CKAN training services offer comprehensive and specialized training programs for individuals and organizations seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in utilizing the CKAN open-source data management platform. CKAN is a powerful tool widely used for sharing, managing, and discovering large datasets and providing open data solutions. The training services cover various levels of expertise, catering to beginners who have little or no prior experience with CKAN, as well as advanced users keen on mastering the platform’s advanced features.

  • Support
  • Digital Transformation

    Keitaro’s Digital Transformation services help businesses leverage digital technologies to improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive advantage. These services typically include consulting, strategy development, technology implementation, and change management. By working with a digital transformation service provider, organizations can optimize their operations, streamline processes, and drive growth.

  • Dockerizing

    Dockerizing your services can make them more portable, scalable, and resilient, and can also make it easier to manage and update them. Keitaro is here to equip individuals and organizations with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to work with Docker, the world’s leading containerization technology.

  • Open-Source Software

    Keitaro provides open-source software development and consulting services to help you create, maintain, and improve your projects. We have a team of experienced developers who are experts in a variety of open-source technologies and platforms, and we can help you with everything from initial project planning and design to ongoing development and support.

  • Software Licensing

    Keitaro’s Software Licensing services include software license management, software license procurement, and software license compliance. They also include software license consulting, which can help organizations to determine the best software licensing options for their business.

Anything Keitaro can help you with?

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