Software firms are always struggling to optimize their time and efficiency with new approaches while ensuring the same high quality deliveries. The competitive market and the growing consumer demand also urge software firms to become more agile, productive, and efficient. That’s why many firms have embraced the practice of automated deployment. But what is automated deployment, and why is it considered a game-changing process for software firms? This blog will inform you of the concepts around automated deployment. 

What is Automated Deployment?

A software deployment process involves all the activities from developing to configuring software products. The prominent activities include creating, testing, deploying, and monitoring. For the past few decades, all of these activities were performed manually by developers. This involved delays due to the dependency of these activities on one another. But then came automated deployment. 

Automated deployment is a software deployment approach that lets developers automate development processes, testing, and deployment workflows. But it requires a software firm to initially set up those automated processes. So, a software firm first writes those processes, orients them as it wants, and then automatically executes them every time a new software product is deployed. Basically, the manual deployment processes turn into click-based automated ones. 

Advantages of Automated Deployment

Automated deployment offers a lot of business benefits. The following are the 5 top advantages of automated deployment most worth mentioning:

  1. Time Efficient

Software development is a time-consuming and complex process. There are different stages involved in it that are interlinked with each other so a delay in one stage can impact the overall workflow. The situation becomes even more complex when the deployment process is handled manually. Automated deployment enables developers to invest their time only once, and that’s when they are setting up the process’s framework. Once done, all the stages involved in software deployment are executed automatically. This significantly reduces the time required, freeing up more of it for improving the overall product quality.

  1. Anyone can Deploy

A manual software deployment requires skilled employees to complete the process. But automated deployment lets anyone deploy the software. It is usually a click-based deployment, so no technical knowledge is required. This way, the development team can focus on other important tasks that are more beneficial for DevOps. 

  1. Reduce Deployment Errors

Manual deployment involves humans, so there are always chances of errors. These may include, for example, missing important steps or configuring the wrong software version, to name but a few. All such errors impact internal operations and the overall productivity of employees. Automated deployment does not just automate processes, but also ensures efficient and errorless deployments. Once a software firm has developed a successful automated deployment framework, it doesn’t cause any error in its future countless executions. 

  1. Quick User Feedback Response

Along with tech advancements, users’ expectations are also growing rapidly. In addition, the tough competitive environment also demands software firms to value user feedback and respond to their requests quickly. Automated deployment enables software firms to focus more on quality and user satisfaction than time-consuming manual deployments. When a firm gives a quick and efficient response to user’s feedback, it increases its market reputation and satisfaction level. 

  1. Release more Efficiently and Frequently

During the software deployment process, developers often need to do code changes or other modifications and restart the process. Automated deployment empowers developers to conduct faster code changes with better efficiency. They become more focused on quality, so it results in faster completion of projects and quicker releases. 

Final Thoughts

Automated deployment is the solution to the development and deployment challenges that software firms are facing today. It not only makes deployment faster, but it also improves the productivity of developers. Therefore, software firms become more capable of delivering quality products with quicker responses to changes. 

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About Andrea Bozarevska

was part of Keitaro

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